Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chapter 5- Personal Response

The differences between the movie and the book continue in this chapter. One of the main differences is that in the movie when Lennie starts feeling Curley's wife's hair, she says "that's good" and there is a bit of sexual tension. On the other hand, in the book, she automatically jumps to saying "don't mess it up." I think Sinise added that in the film because it adds a thrill and is entertaining for the audience, it also goes along with the use of women in this story, as temptations and trouble makers. Throughout the book/movie until chapter five, there have been many tragic events, such as the death of Curley's wife. It is difficult to blame one person, for this event, for example, as all characters take blame for her death. Curley's wife is to blame for dressing seductively and luring in the men and Curley is to blame for keeping his wife as a "prisoner" and being overly protective. I think that George should not be blamed as he did all he could to stop this event from occuring again. Ironically, I believe Lennie should not take any blame, even though they were his own hands that killed her, he cannot control all of his emotions and actions because of his mental disabilities.

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